The Soap Box has a flat shipping rate of $5.00. The Soap and Lotion Bundle box has a flat shipping rate $8.00. The Ultimate Pampering Box has a flat shipping rate of $9.95. Other store item rates are based on weight and size. You have the option to select your preferred shipping method and carrier at checkout.
If you order today, your items will ship within 2-5 business days. If you're a subscriber, your orders will renew every month on the same day as your original purchase date. Subscription boxes will be shipped on the 3rd each month.
Tax amounts (if any) are based on your shipping location and vary by state. Our website automatically calculates sales tax when you enter a shipping location.
First, create a store account by clicking here. Make sure to use the email address you used on your initial order. After creating a new store account, login. Once you login, you’ll see a list of recent orders. Here, you can cancel an order, view, or pay an outstanding balance. You may not cancel orders after they have been shipped.
Sure! First, create a store account by clicking here. Make sure to use the email address you used on your initial order. After creating a new store account, login and click "Subscriptions". From there, you may skip a month, pause your boxes, or cancel your subscription. You can also access the "Subscription" option from your order confirmation email.
After your shipping label has been printed, you'll receive an email from us with tracking information. You may also obtain a tracking number by clicking “Order History” in the "My Accounts" links section. Once you sign in, you will see an order status and a tracking number.
The Soap Box contains 4 items. The Soap and Lotion Bundle contains 7 items. The Ultimate Pampering Box contains 9-10 items. All boxes include 2 handcrafted bars of goat milk soap, a bubbler, and a canvas gift bag. Soap and lotion scents will change each month unless you contact us requesting non scented items. Each box has a theme that goes along with the current season. Every month, products change and are always a surprise!
This curated box includes 2 handcrafted goat milk soaps, a bubbler bag, a gift bag, goat milk lotion or body butter, A pair of cozy socks, and additional gifts just...
Never run out of your favorite soap again! This box includes one handcrafted goat milk soap bar made from our own fresh goats milk. The soap will automatically be shipped...